One of the oldest questions which still remain unanswered is- Can creativity be created? People have debated endlessly on different opinions but no concrete evidence justifies the source, the germination point of creativity. Is it inbuilt strength or can it be cultivated? The tug-of-war still continues. Thus creativity is said to be loosely balancing itself of the various foundations established by versatile thinkers.
As a widely accepted fad, creativity belongs to the domain of Psychology & Cognitive Sciences wherein creative processes are primarily mental representations. A psychodynamic approach to understanding creativity was proposed by Sigmund Freud, who suggested that creativity arises as a result of frustrated desires for fame, fortune, and love, with the energy that was previously tied up in frustration and emotional tension in the neurosis being sublimated into creative activity.
Another school of thought suggest that creativity is a developed ability. As a person grows, there are many environmental, personal, psychological, emotional & physiological factors which make him creative. The ability which was non existent before gets developed and polished over a time making a person more attune with creative finesse.
Generally it is also believed that creativity is the direct function of freedom. More a person can exercise his freedom, the more creatively expressive he becomes. Such varied thoughts about creativity, its origin and its possible applications in all spheres of life makes the study of Creativity very complex but at the same time very interesting.
As the debate continues, we wait under the modern day apple tree and wait for an apple to fall. Maybe that might give us the right answer!
As a widely accepted fad, creativity belongs to the domain of Psychology & Cognitive Sciences wherein creative processes are primarily mental representations. A psychodynamic approach to understanding creativity was proposed by Sigmund Freud, who suggested that creativity arises as a result of frustrated desires for fame, fortune, and love, with the energy that was previously tied up in frustration and emotional tension in the neurosis being sublimated into creative activity.
Another school of thought suggest that creativity is a developed ability. As a person grows, there are many environmental, personal, psychological, emotional & physiological factors which make him creative. The ability which was non existent before gets developed and polished over a time making a person more attune with creative finesse.
Generally it is also believed that creativity is the direct function of freedom. More a person can exercise his freedom, the more creatively expressive he becomes. Such varied thoughts about creativity, its origin and its possible applications in all spheres of life makes the study of Creativity very complex but at the same time very interesting.
As the debate continues, we wait under the modern day apple tree and wait for an apple to fall. Maybe that might give us the right answer!